Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fathers for Good!

What a treasure we have in the Knights of Columbus! Please join me in spreading word - We have a new valuable resource in the intiative called "Fathers for Good" found at www.fathersforgood.org Check it out.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

School of Love

Mr & Mrs Anderson give CUA commencement address. Together they called the graduates to give God permission to enter into their lives and direct their vocation. While also challenging them to build families to change the world. A tall order, that requires the commitment and leadership of Catholic Dad's, and men who will some day find themselves as such. Read the address for yourself here.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Venerable Michael J. McGivney!!!!!

I am joyful that the process of recognition of Fr. McGivney's sainthood is taking the next step. He is a model for pastors, and mentor for fathers of all families. read more here

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Rhat's Roovy! Jinkies!

As a Catholic Dad I'm always looking for ways to get my kids to connect our Faith to their daily life. I came across this page on a local seminarian's web site. It presented a wonderful teaching moment with my nine year old. We were able to find "clue's" as we scanned the pictures to dig deeper into the CCC, and Latin Phases searches on-line. The faith shared with a sense of humor is always welcome. (Father Scobby goes a little beyond my comfort zone however)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If Fr. Mc Givney had chosen to be a lawyer instead of a priest. . .

. . .he might have resembled this Man, a brother Knight with a lot of stories. Mr. Shute, we will miss you.